Book Reviews

5-Star Historical Book Reviews

“The story of Private Coble and the Coble monument is one of the most compelling tales of the Civil War, both in what it tells us about the little battles and skirmishes that defined the conflict across Tennessee but also of what it tells us about the efforts toward reconciliation and commemoration in the early 20th century South.  Dr. Charles Cox’s accounting of these significant stories make for required reading for those who enjoy Tennessee history and Civil War history.”
Dr. Carroll Van West, Tennessee State Historian

 “A wonderful story about Forrest’s 1862 raid into West Tennessee and the death of one Confederate soldier at a remote skirmish four miles south of Jackson. Death during the Civil War was an everyday event, but this story has a surprise ending. Through the efforts of a Yankee captain who ’never forgot,’ Private James Coble’s grave was located and his family received closure in 1914. Dr. Charles Cox moved the monument 100 years later to Salem Cemetery.”
 – Harbert Alexander, author, historian

“Captain David Harts has always held a special place for his post-Civil War humanitarian efforts here in central Illinois.  ‘Monument to Healing’ might single-handedly alter that history, demonstrating that perhaps his greatest contribution was to a community of people in the South. Thanks to authors Charles Cox and Spurgeon King, who have brought to light the incredible and powerful story of James Coble and David Harts ….”
 – Ron J. Keller, Lincoln Heritage Museum Director, Associate Professor of History, Lincoln College

 “You don’t need to be a Civil War buff to appreciate this beautiful story of reconciliation. Drs. Cox and King have shared with us in elegant prose a tragedy and a closure for a Rebel family and a generous act of healing and compassion from a Yankee family. Recent events concerning the Confederate flag show us how much farther we have to go. One would think after 150 years we could put aside our regional differences and become one nation under God, but it is not yet to be. Perhaps this small book is another step in our national healing. Read this brilliant and concise true story. You will be uplifted.”
–  Jim Price

“It seems that Civil War books are written every few days since the Civil War, mostly repeating old themes. Being a bit of a historian specializing in Civil War, I highly recommend this title to any spiritual person who wants to find a well-researched narrative of relatively unknown smaller actions in Tennessee and death of a typical enlisted soldier and redemption of the old South. This narrative could fit any era for detailed minutiae of the fighting man in war.”
John Sexton

Monument to Healing” has all 5-star book reviews at