Salem Cemetery Battle a major link to Pvt. James Coble’s Coble’s death earlier

I wanted to share with you today two videos from interviews I did first with Col. Malcolm Wilcox and second in the wetlands field near a railroad trestle in South Madison County, Tennessee before my book came out June 30, 2015. The history of Salem Cemetery Battlefield is important as we understand the role the railroads played in the Civil War, and Gen. Forrest’s campaign to disrupt the Federal shipments of troops and supplies. My ancestor, Confederate Private James Coble, died before dawn on Dec. 19, 1862, as the Confederates attacked a Federal blockhouse not far from Salem Cemetery. He exemplifies what was called “The Good Death” in that time period when a soldier died with honor, as described by author Drew Gilpin Faust in his book, This Republic of Suffering: Death and the American Civil War.

You’ll find the first 18-minute video on my Facebook page due to its length:

The second 9-minute video will be in an upcoming post.

My book is available at Marilyn Jackson’s Gifts and the Casey Jones Railroad Museum in Jackson and from me by leaving a message here on this page, and from amazon, Barnes & Noble and Books-a-Million. Hardbacks are $30.25 and softcover books are $16.99.  Here are the links to each one in order:


This painting by Gilbert Gaul is now in the Birmingham Museum of Art in Birmingham, Alabama. In this 1907 painting by Gilbert Gaul, a faithful horse stands over his fallen cavalryman master. This painting epitomizes the anguish of the Civil War, the lone soldier’s death. This photo appears in my book, Monument to Healing, with permission grnted by Elders Bookstore in Nashville.



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